Central Piedmont Community College
Kami Pate
Terrible with finacial aid, your number will always change and they will give with next to nothing. Make sure you take 12 credits (+5 classes) or else youll have $30.51 as your refund like me and have to drop out because you cant afford a book fee. . Unhelpful and after this semester i will be transferring somewhere better.
Dina B.
Taking a Continuing Education online course right now -- this Fall '21. The campus is awesome when I want/need to do something in-person, registration and tech team are super helpful. I want to take more classes here and learn a bunch of stuff lol.
Vic King
I used to attend college here and its an amazing institution! This review came 15 years late though!
Xochil Silva
The VA finance department needs some changes.
Aliani Store (Aliani store)
Diversity in Higher positions still needs to be working on. Overall school is great!!